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The preferences window

The preference window (accessible from the Window menu) compiles all the settings for all aspects of the software. It is important to understand the set of settings that can have a very significant impact on the operation of the software.

The configuration of the graphical interface and the position of the various elements (toolbars, zone sizes) are also stored in the preference settings, even if they do not have a module displayed in the preference window.


The user preference settings are relevant to both the design GUI and the 3D viewer in pass-through mode. Change them knowingly.

User license

The various modules are displayed based on the availability of user licenses. The preference window may display different options.

VRmaze crash

In case of VRmaze crash resetting the user preferences can solve the problems. Just delete the setup.xml file (or setup_2023.xml in VRmaze version 2023) from the data folder.

Configuration module

A page dedicated to the configuration of different modules here.