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Mentalab Explore

Mentalab system requirements

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Mentalab Desktop launched.

VRmaze's Mentalab system relies on Lab Streaming Layer to enable communication and recording of data from Mentalab Explore modules.

The Mentalab Desktop software should be configured so that it creates an LSL stream that can be used in VRmaze.

Channel Configuration

VRmaze supports partial channel configuration. So, if some channels of the device are disabled, VRmaze will not take them into account.

Launch order

The entire Mentalab device configuration should be done in Mentalab Desktop and the LSL stream should be launched before launching the pass in VRMaze. It is entirely possible to design your protocol without launching Mentalab Desktop.

Integration in VRmaze

As with any set of devices, VRmaze differentiates the management node from the recording node(s). The integration therefore consists of a management node that communicates with the module and the recording nodes that store data as it is passed.

Management node

The Mentalab management node is an entity that can take place within the protocol, one of the experiments or a trial.

Positioning of the management module.

The assignment to the protocol, experiment or trial depends on the use of the module. Generally, we will want to acquire data for the entire protocol, so it is appropriate to place the management node as a direct child of the protocol. In rarer cases, it is possible to activate the module only on one experiment of the protocol.

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Mentalab Desktop launched with the device name "Explore_CA29".

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The management module added to the protocol with the name Explore_CA29.

Automatic detection

It is possible to automatically detect a Mentalab device by specifying the name "AUTO". In this case, the node will connect to the first available Mentalab device.

Case sensitive

The module name is case sensitive. Check your module name in the Mentalab Desktop interface.

What does VRmaze do ?

VRmaze tries to open two connections one on type ExG, the second on type ORN to get two LSL streams.

Multiple management nodes ?

Although not recommended by the manufacturer, using multiple devices is possible. Beware, this may cause sensor acquisition errors. VRmaze proposes a differentiation of management nodes by adding an identifier (whose value is 1 by default).

LSL Stream Description

During acquisition, VRmaze will automatically modify the management node description to store the acquisition frame structure. This provides access to all hardware information as well as channel configuration (their type, name and unit).

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The modified description of the management node.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <v4address />
 <v6address />

Recording nodes

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The two registration nodes "ExG" and "ORN".

VRmaze provides 2 registration nodes for Mentalab modules. In fact, the LSL stream is split into two parts, the "ExG" stream and the "ORN" stream. VRmaze has a node for each of the streams. Thus, it is possible to add a node for recording the "ExG" stream and a node for the "ORN" record.

Dissociation in case of multiple use

In the case of multiple use of Mentalab devices, each record node has an identifier that can reference the precise identifier of a management node.

Recording frequency

The acquisition frequency of Mentalab devices can be 250,500 or 1000hz. VRmaze automatically adapts to the acquisition frequency to allow automatic data recording.

Number of channels

Mentalab modules have a different number of channels. VRmaze automatically supports 4,8,16 and 32 channel modules.

Channels disabled

In case of disabled channels in Explore Desktop, VRmaze will offer a recording as 4,8,16 or 32 channels. If channels are missing, the values of the last unused channels will be set to 0 during the entire recording.

The "ORN" recording node differs slightly from the "ExG" recording node in that it has an option to choose the type of information to be recorded from among :

  • The accelerometer
  • The gyroscope
  • Magnetic induction

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The "ORN" recorder with its option.

Recording of all ORN data

It is possible to record all ORN data using 3 ORN recording nodes.