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Speed up framerate

There are several ways to improve the display speed during a protocol pass.

Lowering the rendering quality

In the case where the 3D environment is rich and the software does not seem fluid at times, it is possible to reduce the rendering quality.

Lower the rendering quality

You need to go to the preferences, then change the option "Quality Level" and put a lower quality level.

Lower the frequency of the core of the software

In some cases, the protocol may contain a lot of entities that need to be updated at any time. This can have a significant impact on the resources available for rendering. By default, the core of the software runs at a frequency of 500Hz, it is possible to decrease this frequency to give back resources for the rest of the display.

Lower the frequency

You have to go to the preferences, then change the Fixed Update timing option which is 0.002 by default. By setting it to 0.005, you increase the available resources enormously.


This fix is especially useful in the case of a very heavy protocol tree with a display that is not fluid and few graphic elements displayed. In this case, the update of the whole tree requires too many resources...

Use the "Never Update" option

If the protocol tree is substantial, there are certainly static graphical elements. By default, VRmaze will update them even if they have no behavior and are frozen, which consumes resources.

It is possible to avoid an update of a part of the protocol tree via the Never Update option.

Never Update

By checking the Never Update option on an entity, not only will it no longer be updated at runtime, but all of its children will also no longer be updated.

Change resolution

It is possible to change the resolution of the pass window. A lower resolution can make the rendering smoother.

Change resolution

You have to go to the preferences, then change the two options ScreenSize X and ScreenSize Y

Optimize your 3D environment

Other avenues can be explored to allow faster rendering of a 3D scene.

Remove lights

Lights are expensive when rendering, try to remove as many as possible, or disable shadow casting with the Cast Shadows option.

Reduce image size

Reducing the resolution of images used in the protocol saves resources as well as loading time.

If this does not help, you need to optimize your 3D environment in an editing program.