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Before you do anything...

Make sure you are on the latest version of VRmaze. If not, proceed to update the software.

Crash after splascreen

It is possible that the software seems to become unresponsive, or crashes when you close the splash screen by pressing the login or skip button. If no error message appears and no crash report window is visible, the problem is probably with the 3D viewer.


In this case of crashing, check for the existence of both VRmaze.exe and VRmazeViewer.exe processes. If both are running, remove the VRMazeViewer.exe process to display the GUI without 3D viewer. If the interface is displayed, the problem is with the 3D viewer...

It is possible that a new plugin is causing the problem or that the software preferences are incompatible with a software update.

The first step in resolving the problem is to remove the recently installed plugins.

If this does not fix the problem, reset the software preferences by deleting the setup.xml file (or setup_2023.xml in VRmaze version 2023) from the user data folder.

If this still does not correct the problem, a complete uninstallation of VRmaze is required. To do this, uninstall the software and delete any remaining files in the installation folder that are not deleted. Restart a clean installation with the updates.


Proceed in order: if you have just installed a plugin delete it, then delete the setup.xml file (or setup_2023.xml in VRmaze version 2023) to initialize the preferences and if it still does not work, uninstall the software.

Crash in edit mode

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Bug report window

It is possible that the software crashes while editing the protocol. If this is the case, a bug report window will appear and allow information to be sent to InMind-VR for resolution of the bug. There is no possible solution and a software update will be necessary to solve this problem.

Sending a file

When sending a file to InMind-VR servers, only the xml file is sent along with information about the version used. No file dependencies are sent, and no subject database information is sent.

Crash in pass mode

It is possible that the software crashes during the execution of a protocol.

If the protocol exits directly before running the first experiment, there is an error writing the XML file which leads to a read error by the viewer. Sending the file to InMind-VR to check the structure of the xml file may reveal a bug.

In this case, the protocol seems to be running in a loop, with no possibility of finishing the test during execution, it is possible that a node in the protocol tree causes the 3D viewer to crash. Again, sending the file to InMind-VR for verification of the nodes used may reveal a bug.

Crash at launch

If VRmaze crashes at launch, even before the splashscreen, a crash.log file will be created in the Logs folder of the data folder. This file should be returned to InMind-VR for analysis and bug correction. Pending a response from technical services, a complete uninstallation (without loss of data) and reinstallation may correct the problem.

On launch, the software launches the VRmaze.exe process, which should normally run throughout the software's lifetime.


Uninstalling the software is not enough to delete all the files in the installation folder. Deleting the installation folder allows you to start over with a clean installation.

No data loss

No worry about user data, when uninstalling, user data is preserved.

WMI service corruption

When VRmaze is launched, a crash may occur if the Windows WMI service is corrupted. To check the service status :

  • Run the wmimgmt.msc command in Windows.
  • Right-click on WMI Control (Local) to display its properties.
  • You'll get the service corruption information.

If the service is corrupted, it should be restored using tools available on the Internet.

Crash because of a plugin

It is possible that VRmaze crashes at startup due to a user plugin. VRmaze may indeed crash in case the user plugin is compiled in another version than the .net Framework 4.5.

.Net Framework 4.5

Only plugins compiled in .Net Framework 4.5 are compatible with VRmaze.

Other possibilities of resolution

If a clean reinstallation is not enough to fix a crash at launch, it is possible that the problem comes from the user data folder.


When upgrading, it is possible that prefabs created in a previous version become incompatible with the new version. You need to delete the prefabs causing problems.

Participant database

It is possible that the error is coming from the participant databases. The method of resolution is to rename the PatientsDatabase folder and restart the software. If this fixes the problem, one of the user databases is incompatible with the software.