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Property animations allow to modify each property of the objects in time thanks to mathematical functions or animations defined by keys. Often, it is necessary to produce other types of behaviors according to the user's needs. These specific behaviors can act on any property or object of the scene, they offer maximum freedom.

In this case, it is necessary to program the new behaviors in C#.

Built-in behaviors

VRmaze comes with a number of predefined behaviors with their own properties. The idea of these generic behaviors is that they are configurable and their configuration is saved in each protocol file. These entities, fully integrated with VRmaze, can have a behavior adapted to a certain number of use cases according to their parameterization.

It is quite possible to develop new behaviors, as it is possible to create any new type of entity in VRmaze. However, it is not necessarily necessary to fully integrate a behavior into VRmaze. Indeed, if the script does not require a protocol data to work, it is quite possible to directly develop a behavior inheriting from the Unity class MonoBehaviour.

In this case, the whole Unity programming is available and all the user's knowledge of C# programming for Unity can be reinvested.

Case of Unity built-in behaviors

Most of the behaviors offered by Unity are integrated into VRmaze as a configurable behavior node.

Sample code

In VRmaze, it is therefore possible to use purely Unity code, or to develop, in a slightly more complex way, behaviors whose properties will be saved in the protocol file. In some cases, it may be necessary to produce behaviors that react or are called by VRmaze in specific situations. To assist in the development of these behaviors, InMind-VR provides a GitHub space providing a set of code examples.