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VRmaze Reflect is a package for using data from Unity Reflect. Specifically adapted to BIM data, UNity reflect allows the visualization of 3D data integrating metadata in virtual reality. The goal of VRmaze Reflect is to make this exploitation possible in immersive room.

User license

The VRmaze Reflect package requires a specific user license.

Usage constraints

The conversion of data from Unity Reflect to VRmaze Reflect is subject to certain constraints.

Usage procedure

A documentation section concerning the procedure for using VRmaze Reflect is available here

VRmaze Reflect tools

A documentary section concerning the proposed VRmaze Reflect business tools is available here

Interest of VRmaze Reflect

VRmaze Reflect allows the integration of metadata from 3D models previously exported via the Unity Reflect plugin. This allows to visualize a complete project while questioning the integrated database in real time. It is thus possible to visualize a phasing, to display the data specific to each object of a project and to operate a certain number of operations allowing the review of project in immersive room, at scale 1 in a collaborative way and helped by dedicated tools.


The integration of a Reflect model in VRmaze is subject to two constraints. The first one concerns the static import of data: Unity Reflect allows two types of import, dynamic import and static import. In VRmaze Reflect, only static import is supported. The second constraint is the rendering engine used. VRmaze uses the "Built-In render Pipeline" renderer. The Unity Reflect project statically importing the 3D model must use this type of renderer (URP and HDRP renderer are not yet supported by VRmaze).


In summary, only static imports from Unity Reflect are usable in immersive room and the project that allowed the export must be in "Built-In renderer".