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Cave Vizualisation Protocol

The Cave Visualization (Cave Viz) protocol is a complete Cave protocol, with the protocol tree modified to show only a few options.

The Cave Viz protocol has exactly the same functionality as the Cave protocol.


In the Cave Viz protocol, we forget about any notion of experimentation and testing, it is a visualization and interaction protocol.

Internal behavior

From a behavioral and internal logic point of view, the Cave protocol and the Cave Viz protocol work in the same way and have exactly the same structure, with experimentation and testing. The Cave Viz protocol does not give any control over the experiments and trials. It has a single generic experimentation containing only one generic trial. The logical structure is only hidden to simplify the use of VRmaze Cave in project review type use cases.

Experimentation, human evaluation?

We leave these notions aside, the Cave Viz protocol allows the visualization of complex 3D model with a protocol tree simplified to the maximum.

Cave Viz Protocol to Cave Protocol conversion

The Cave Viz protocol being a different Cave protocol from a visual point of view, it is possible to convert a Cave Viz protocol to a Cave protocol.

Cave Viz Protocol Cave Protocol Equivalent
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