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Protocol types


A protocol cannot be converted into another type of protocol.

Excel Exporter

Two protocols of different types cannot be analyzed and compiled by the Excel exporter, even if they perform the same experiments.

Conventional protocol

The conventional protocol is the basic protocol in VRmaze. It does not require any specific equipment to run in its basic configurations. This protocol is intended to be used on a conventional screen with interaction peripherals such as joysticks, keyboards or mice. It allows the realization of tests in 2D (questionnaires or others...) or in 3D.

Standard protocol

This protocol is the basic protocol of VRmaze. When VRmaze is launched, the default active protocol is a conventional protocol.

VR Protocol

The VR protocol is a specific protocol that looks identical to the base protocol. The difference is that this protocol runs under different display and interaction conditions than the conventional protocol. It requires the execution of SteamVR to complete the task.

The protocol tree does not differ, except for the cameras, which take into account specific interaction devices such as VR controllers.

Design and Analysis

The design of a VR protocol does not require the presence of connected VR equipment.

Specific license

VR protocol requires a specific license.

Cave protocol

The Cave protocol is a complex protocol for running VRmaze on a multi-screen stereoscopic projection system. This protocol therefore requires specific projection equipment.

Cave protocol documentation

A special documentary section is available here.

Specific license

The Cave protocol requires a specific license.

Cave Viz protocol

The Cave Viz protocol is a Cave protocol whose protocol tree is modified to show only the content of an experiment containing only one trial.

The result is a simplified protocol tree that allows VRmaze to be used mainly in a visualization framework. This protocol can be considered when the notion of a sequence of trials does not make sense for the desired visualization.

Availability of features

There is no difference in the functionalities offered by this type of protocol compared to the Cave protocol. The operator has the same possibilities except for the sequence of tests.

Structure of the Cave Viz protocol

The internal structure of the Cave Viz protocol is the same as the Cave protocol. Only the representation of the tree is modified.

Specific license

The Cave Viz protocol requires a specific license, the same as for the Cave protocol.

Mobile Protocol (Beta)

The mobile protocol is a special protocol running on Android devices. Its development is currently in progress.

Mobile Protocol

The Mobile protocol is not currently available.

Specific license

The mobile protocol requires a specific license.