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VRMaze QuickRun


VRMaze QuickRun is a full-fledged application that allows the launch of protocols in one click without going through the global graphical interface.

The executable VRMazeQuickRun.exe is available in the installation folder of the software. It is able to load all the available plugins to allow a correct launch of the protocol.


The VRMazeQuickRun executable works on the command line which makes it easy to use:

  • VRMazeQuickRun ProtocolName.xml - Launching without any identifier or result file name
  • VRMazeQuickRun ProtocolName.xml SubjectId - Run with subject id and no result file name
  • VRMazeQuickRun ProtocolName.xml SubjectId ResultFile.xml` - Launching, with subject id and result file name


If the provided file names consist of words separated by spaces, they should be enclosed in quotation marks.

Protocol to load

With VRmazeQuickRun, it is not necessary to give the full file path of the protocol, the executable will look for it in the user data folder.

Participant ID

The participant ID corresponds to the subject ID in the subject database.

Result file

It is possible to specify a name of the result file in which the run will be stored. The file will be saved in the "Results" folder of the user data folder.

No result file name

If no result file name is provided, VRMazeQuickRun will use a generic file name that has a timecode to avoid file overwriting. It will also be stored in the "Results" folder.

Creating shortcuts

It is of course possible to create a .bat file to launch a protocol. The syntax is very simple, with the subtlety that you must indicate the full path of the executable:

  • "C:/Program Files (x86)/VRMaze/VRMazeQuickRun.exe" "my protocol.xml" 001